
Social Media Advertising

Target Your Audience

Leverage the power of the most cost-effective form of digital advertising

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Paid social media advertising campaigns provide unique advantages compared to traditional pay-per-click (PPC) options on Google.

A paid LinkedIn campaign can target people with specific titles, who have specific skills listed, or who have associations with a particular school, company or organization. Facebook offers a full spectrum of options as well, allowing you to target specific geographic areas, age ranges,  gender groups, people with a particular interest and much more.

Social media advertising allows you to target the searcher, not the search term, opening pathways to expand your audience in an entirely new way.


Attract Your Audience

What makes your customers tick? Targeting the right audience is a critical, but often overlooked phase of effective social media marketing. If you don’t know who your potential customers are, how can you reach them? Mainstreethost social media campaigns start by identifying and targeting the best audience for your brand.

Engage Your Audience

Social media users want to be engaged, which means they want to see intriguing and relevant posts that appeal to their interests. Our social media marketing team understands this need and works with you to make your brand effective at connecting with your audience through content creation and active engagement.

Grow Your Audience

Cultivating an audience online is more challenging than ever. With so many social media platforms, complicated algorithms and restricted exposure, it's difficult for business owners to find time to even be on social. Our social media management services will help you maintain your presence and grow your community.

Target the person, not the keyword

Paid advertising campaigns on social networks offer distinct advantages compared to traditional pay-per-click (PPC) on traditional search engines.

Social media advertising allows you to isolate people with specific jobs, skills, associations, age, gender, interests, hobbies, locations and much more.

With social media advertising campaigns, you target the searcher, not the search term, allowing you to better target the specific audience that you want to reach.

Measure your social media success

Social media posts are—by their nature—temporary. That means you need to post regularly to stay relevant and in your followers’ minds. However, social media posting is only part of the equation.

Social Media Advertising Networks

Our social media advertising team is skilled at designing, creating and executing ad campaigns across a host of social media platforms. We understand the advertising best practices required on major social media platforms and are proficient at driving results for our customers.

Did You Know?

71% of consumers who have had a good social media service experience with a brand are likely to recommend it to others.

Gain Control. Gain Conversions.

Reach your audience in new ways.

Social media advertising garners more control by reaching your desired audience with a message designed to inspire action. With a paid social media advertising campaign from Mainstreethost– you open up a whole new way to reach your audience.






  • Target by age
  • Isolate users by Location
  • Find customers by income level
  • Target by age
  • Isolate users by Location
  • Find customers by income level
  • Target by age
  • Isolate users by Location
  • Find customers by income level
  • Target by age
  • Isolate users by Location
  • Find customers by income level

Adaptive Social Media Services

A dedicated team of industry experts.

A strong social presence is vital in achieving digital success, but maintaining an active presence while also running your business is a big ask. Creating content, monitoring your competition, staying engaged with your community; the to-do list just keeps growing. But that’s where we come in—with a social media marketing services company in your corner, you can get back to what you do best, and we’ll take care of the rest.

Let us help you find what truly resonates with your audience and keep you connected even on the busiest of days. Our social media team is skilled in the art of follower engagement, social listening, and relationship building. We’re ready to take your social media presence to the next level. Are you?

Common Social Media Marketing Questions

What social media platform should my business be on?

When trying to figure out the most beneficial social media platforms for your business to be on, you have to first think about your target audience—where are they spending their time? On what platforms are they interacting the most with brands? Second, you have to think about your brand—does this platform fit my business' image and voice? If you're not entirely sure, our team of social media marketing experts will work with you to determine what platforms make sense for your business.

What does the content creation process look like?

Our social media team creates unique content that is exclusive to your business, highlighting products and services, while also encouraging engagement within your online community. You can be as hands-on or hands-off as you want, but communication will be key as we work together to ensure important details, events and promotions are shared at the appropriate times. We also try to incorporate any photos you take on the job and behind the scenes if it makes sense for your brand.

How much do social media marketing services cost?

Creating a business page or profile on any of the top social networks is completely free, but management, monitoring, social media content planning and design take a lot of time and energy. We have affordable marketing plans for every network that offer flexibility for you and your budget. If those don't fit quite right, our team of social media professionals can also build custom strategies tailored to your exact business needs.

Do Facebook ads still work?

Yes! Facebook Ads are a powerful tool for businesses and yes—they still work. Unfortunately, a lot of businesses tend to struggle with Facebook advertising and its intricate processes. But that's where we can help. Using our strategic approach to Facebook Ads, our social media team will work with you to define your core objectives and ideal audience, and build an effective ad campaign that delivers results for your business.

What is Technical SEO?

Technical SEO focuses on improving more complex and specialized aspects of your website. The goal here is to improve performance in organic search results while also assisting with user experience. Technical SEO often involves things like website speed optimization, crawlability, performance boosts, and addressing indexing issues and site errors.

Do you offer other search engine marketing services?

Yes, we offer a full suite of search engine marketing solutions that include web design, social media marketing, copywriting, and PPC management. As a team, we have been able to expand our expertise and further develop our services to provide comprehensive digital marketing strategies for our clients.

Could you give me some free SEO tips?

Yes, of course! Our SEO company is filled with optimization enthusiasts who are always looking to help business owners with their digital marketing research. (We even have a few tips that you can check out on our blog!) But what truly offers the best insight into your optimization and website performance is our free SEO audit—it's just a simple way for us to take a look under the hood and better understand what may be holding your site back.

Can you perform an SEO audit on my website?

Of course we can! We offer multiple levels of audits. Our basic SEO audit offers insights into your optimization and website performance. It gives us the opportunity to take a look under the hood and better understand what may be holding your site back. We also offer a more in-depth analysis that dives much deeper into the quality of your optimization. This higher level audit benefits clients who have been doing SEO for a while and are looking to implement a more advanced strategy. Get a free SEO audit here.